Xav tias lub luag haujlwm tag nrho kom tau raws li txhua yam kev xav tau ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom; ua tiav kev nce qib los ntawm kev txhawb nqa txoj kev nce qib ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom; become the final permanent cooperative partner of clientele and maximize the interests of shoppers for Rapid Delivery for 3mm, 6mm, 8mm10mm, 14mm, 5/16 Inches Flexible Fiberglass Solid Round Rod Pultruded Pole for Car Flag/Plant Support, We welcome buyers, organization associations and mates from all pieces of the entire world to call us and seek cooperation for mutual gains.
Xav tias lub luag haujlwm tag nrho kom tau raws li txhua yam kev xav tau ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom; ua tiav kev nce qib los ntawm kev txhawb nqa txoj kev nce qib ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom; ua tus khub kawg mus ib txhis ntawm cov neeg siv khoom thiab ua rau muaj kev txaus siab ntawm cov neeg yuav khoom rauTuam Tshoj khoom qws thiab Qws, Peb ntseeg nrog peb txoj kev pabcuam zoo kawg nkaus uas koj tuaj yeem tau txais kev ua tau zoo thiab cov khoom lag luam tsawg kawg los ntawm peb tau ntev. Peb cog lus muab cov kev pabcuam zoo dua thiab tsim tus nqi ntau rau tag nrho peb cov neeg siv khoom. Vam tias peb tuaj yeem tsim lub neej yav tom ntej zoo dua.
Khoom nta
Rej Stainless Hlau Sab Nraud Hanyard tus chij ncej yog ib qho ntawm cov neeg nyiam tshaj plaws nthuav dav, qhib, thiab kaw kab ke loj thiab me me kis las.
Qhov kev lag luam no siv cov chij stainless hlau ua los ntawmStainless hlau 304Muaj nyob rau hauv loj los ntawm 20ft rau 600 km / teev mus rau 250km / teev, ua rau lawv tau tsim kom muaj kev nyab xeeb hauv cov chaw uas muaj cua hlob.
Ib qho ntxiv, yog tias koj xav tau tus chij chij uas nce thiab nce siab, peb kuj tuaj yeem muab cov thev naus laus zis siv rau koj.
Ncej:Tus ncej ncej yog dov los ntawm cov ntawv hlau stainless hlau, thiab kev sib xyaw ua ke.
Chij:Tus chij piv tau tuaj yeem muab rau ntawm kev them nqi.
Thauj tog rau nkoj:Lub hauv paus phaj yog square nrog slotted qhov rau thauj tog rau nkoj bolts, fab los ntawmQ235.Qhov pib Phaj thiab Ncej Ncej ncej yog lithiv yog welded sab saum toj thiab hauv qab.
THAUJ TOG RAU NKOJ BOLTS:Pov los ntawmGalvanized Hlau Q235, Bolts tau muab nrog plaub lub hauv paus bolts, peb lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws tiaj, thiab xauv cia. Txhua tus ncej yog muab ib qho ntawm cov hniav uas cuam tshuam.
Xaus:Tus qauv ua tiav rau qhov kev lag luam stainless hlau chij tus ncej yog satin txhuam ua tiav. Cov kev xaiv ua tiav ntxiv thiab cov xim muaj raws li cov neeg siv khoom thov.
Nqe lus piav qhia:
- Pob Taub Hau Nrog360 degreestuaj yeem tig nrog cov cua, tus chij flutters hauv cov cua thiab tsis entangle
- Nrog phau ntawv ntaus los ntawm txhais tes ua-nyob rau hauv thiab ib tug du nqa khoom, nqa 10000times tsis phem.
- Tes crank ua haujlwm tau zoo, txuag lub zog, thiab tswj tau zoo dua tus chij
- Beaded flagpole, cov accessories parallel bar tsim kev tsim pab kho tus chij thiab yooj yim tshem tawm
- NrogBuilt-in xaim hlua, ntau ruaj khov thiab tsis yooj yim tawg
- Cov flagpoles muag zoo nyob rau hauv ntau lub teb chaws thiab haum rau ntau yam kev sib tw loj hauv tsev, xws li khw kis las, thiab cov lag luam loj loj, thiab cov lag luam loj.
- Kev siv cov khoom siv zoo thiab muaj nuj nqis muaj cov chij uas muaj zog, nyuaj rau tawg, thiab muaj cua tsis zoo
- Ntxiv nrog rau ib txwm deting style chij, peb kuj muaj cov kev xaiv tau ua haujlwm ntxiv raws li hauv qab no qhia:
8.1 Kev Lifting Ntaus, uas suav nrogLub cev muaj zog thiab tswj,2pcs chaw taws teeb.Kuj tseem muaj 3 qib lub zog rau nws.25w tuaj yeem yooj yim nce mus txog 8-12meters;40w tuaj yeem muaj txog li 13-25meterssai sai;26-35meterstsuas yog xav tau120WLub Zog.
8.2 Ib lub cuab yeej uas peb pom zoo kom ua rau thaj chaw cua yog tus chij ya tshuab. Zoo li cov pas dej hauv tsev sab hauv tsev, hauv tsev kis las hauv tsev, thiab lwm qhov chaw sab hauv. Tsis tas li, nws xav tau hluav taws xob ntau rau kev tswj hwm chij thiab ua kom nws ua haujlwm. Lub Hwj Chim yog 3000W (8-12meters); 4000W (13-35meters). Lwm qhov kom nco ntsoov yog tias lub tshuab yuav tsum tau faus rau hauv av kom ntseeg tau tias nws txoj haujlwm ib txwm ua. Thiab loj yog: 800x700x900mm
8.3 Cov nqe lus kawg yog lub solar vaj huam sib luag system, nws suav nrog lub solar vaj huam sib luag, controller, txhuas-acid roj teeb
Lub vaj huam sib luag hnub ci xav tau lub hwj chim los ua12V 80 HLWthiab monocrystalline nrog 670x530mm
ControllerLub hwj chim yog 12v10a;Lead-Acid Roj TeebLub Hwj Chim yog 12V 65a
Welcome to contact us Email: ricj@cd-ricj.com
Xav tias lub luag haujlwm tag nrho kom tau raws li txhua yam kev xav tau ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom; ua tiav kev nce qib los ntawm kev txhawb nqa txoj kev nce qib ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom; become the final permanent cooperative partner of clientele and maximize the interests of shoppers for Rapid Delivery for 3mm, 6mm, 8mm10mm, 14mm, 5/16 Inches Flexible Fiberglass Solid Round Rod Pultruded Pole for Car Flag/Plant Support, We welcome buyers, organization associations and mates from all pieces of the entire world to call us and seek cooperation for mutual gains.
Kev xa tawm sai sai rauTuam Tshoj khoom qws thiab Qws, Peb ntseeg nrog peb txoj kev pabcuam zoo kawg nkaus uas koj tuaj yeem tau txais kev ua tau zoo thiab cov khoom lag luam tsawg kawg los ntawm peb tau ntev. Peb cog lus muab cov kev pabcuam zoo dua thiab tsim tus nqi ntau rau tag nrho peb cov neeg siv khoom. Vam tias peb tuaj yeem tsim lub neej yav tom ntej zoo dua.
Xa koj cov lus rau peb:
Hoobkas ncaj qha rau Aozhan pheej yig stainless ...
Tshiab tuaj txog tshiab cov khoom lag luam ntiv tes Iav Doo ...
ODM Chaw Tsim Tshuaj Sab Nraud Sab Nraud Tsheb Hlau Steel Yeeb Nkab Txhim Kho ...
Lub Hoobkas ua cov chaw taws teeb ncaj qha ...
Muab tshuaj rau OEM sib tsoo tus nqi yuav ruaj khov Mount Securi ...
Tshiab tuaj txog Tuam Tshoj cov flagpole siv ntawm lub pob khaus ...