Quid est raedam difficile?

On the one hand, parking is difficult because of the shortage of parking Spaces, on the other hand, because the parking information cannot be shared at the present stage, the parking resources can not be reasonably used.For example, during the day, the owners of the community go to work in the company, when a large number of parking Spaces are available.If parking space information sharing can be realized, these free parking Spaces can be opened to the public for temporary owners to park, so as to Tergge tempore, ad usum rate of raedam spatia potest melius.

Si tantum confidunt in homine procuratio of raedam spatium, est valde difficile. Ita volumus esse magis standardized. Intelligentes administratione requirit unified administratione et destinatio intelligentesraedam comas.

1.One Location per currus, mensuris.

2.Automatically Guide dominus ad parcum vehiculo tuto et bene.

3.Save et conatus, nisi administratione sumptus.

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Post tempus: Aug-24-2022

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